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Climate Action to Prepare SMEs for NetZero with the Heart of the City


The adoption of the Paris Agreement and the release of the #IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C has set the standard for organizations and Countries to strive to attain net zero emissions targets.

Oclas Consulting recently wrote an article about how IOCs can help mitigate climate change.

Heart of the City hosted The Climate Action for #SME today at #MansionHouse.

Oclas Group was inspired by how much businesses are putting the welfare of the city at the forefront by taking part in the program to learn how to measure their #carbon footprint, understand what #netzero means for their business and plan how to reach net zero by 2040.

The best part is Heart of the City prepared a free climate action toolkit which Oclas Group highly recommends. It can be downloaded here

We are passionate about driving a more sustainable future, and we all have a role to play, no matter how little. This is why within oclas we strive to ensure when discussing with clients, we factor in no matter how little some net zero policies and procedures.

It was lovely meeting Olivia Beecham, Laura McCullough, Chris Patrick, Maggie Berry OBE, Andy Williamson, Emma Saunders Jumi Timothy, Gul-Reza TareenSam McCarthy, and #LordMayor Vincent Keaveny again. I will not quickly forget the black electric London #Taxi I saw outside the Manson house. Trust me this one was unique as it didn't have a meter to charge the Lord Mayor.



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